Aid babies Bub courtney Ev friends General mom mooshoo mother pregnant the kiddos twins


Today I am 16 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and I got to hear my babies hearts beating. Any mom or dad knows this is a wonderful sound. Concrete living breathing proof of life. Not only that but now I have an idea of where they are for the momment.

Aid babies Bub courtney Ev friends General mom mooshoo mother pregnant the kiddos twins

I’m in love

With our new place…The Mooshoos got new digs. After finding out that we had two babies on the way it became very clear that our current quarters were going to be tight at best. So we packed up our two-bedroom duplex and took over a four bedroom, two-car garage glorious house. A free standing no one connected to us house. Our own driveway! An amazing back and front yard covered in soft plush grass-that we don’t even have to cut, because the landlord employs a gardener. A Gardener! Oh and carpet wonderful quiet soft un-scratch able carpet. And this fall and winter we will be snuggling up by our very own fireplace. It’s a dream that I hope I’ll never wake up from.

Aid babies Bub courtney Ev friends General mom mooshoo mother pregnant the kiddos twins

Twice as fun

Growing two babies is kicking my butt! When I heard that I should throw out everything I know about being pregnant and just go with flow….ehhh I mean really how different can it be?!? Well my body let me know the answer to that really quickly. Every day is something new, some days are good and some are really bad. I spent two weeks climbing the walls hungry while also feeling extremely nauseous. It’s pretty dang frustrating to be so hungry and not be able to eat. Every thing sounded disgusting and I ended up forcing down lots and lots of crackers. That seems to be going away now (knock on wood). What’s not letting up is the exhaustion. I have realized the days of cleaning the house in one morning are over. Now I have to pick a chore a day. Even my daily walks have to change because an hour is wiping me out. Literally we come home and I can’t get up again for the rest of the afternoon-which doesn’t mesh well with two toddlers running around. I read some where when you find out you’re having twins they tell you –you have to slow down-what they don’t say is how much. And if you have kids you really have to prioritize. Spending time with my boys is more important then clean floors.

Aid babies Bub courtney Ev friends General mom mooshoo mother pork pregnant the kiddos

1 2 3 and 4 :)

Today I went for my first prenatal visit. Everything was going pretty normal, exciting but normal. Pap, exam, talk about when the baby will be due…then the best part –ultra sound. Watching the monitor I notice two black spots. As “hmmp what’s that” was going through my head my Doctor said “Oh Two”. “Umm two what?” He said well I usually like to ease into this but YOU ARE HAVING TWINS.

Aid Bub courtney Ev General mom mooshoo mother the kiddos

Flu bug

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’ve just about finished washing everything in my house. I think if I could have I would have shoved the whole place in the washer-yes one of those weekends. The pesky flu bug found its way into our home by hitching a pretty awful ride on Ev, when it tired of him it went about tormenting Lennox. The skies have cleared (literally and figuratively). With half a day between us and spewage, I figured it was a good time to wash that bug right out of my house. Mostly with the hope that it won’t hit Aidan or….ehhhh me. Everything is just about tide fresh again so cross your fingers that we don’t get another 2am puking wake up call.

I’m glad this weekend is just about over and quite frankly February hasn’t been much of a month for the Eckard clan. Although looking ahead holds lots of promise.