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Flu bug

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’ve just about finished washing everything in my house. I think if I could have I would have shoved the whole place in the washer-yes one of those weekends. The pesky flu bug found its way into our home by hitching a pretty awful ride on Ev, when it tired of him it went about tormenting Lennox. The skies have cleared (literally and figuratively). With half a day between us and spewage, I figured it was a good time to wash that bug right out of my house. Mostly with the hope that it won’t hit Aidan or….ehhhh me. Everything is just about tide fresh again so cross your fingers that we don’t get another 2am puking wake up call.

I’m glad this weekend is just about over and quite frankly February hasn’t been much of a month for the Eckard clan. Although looking ahead holds lots of promise.

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