Aid babies Bub Cora courtney Cuba General mom mooshoo mother the kiddos twins

The Great Toy Sort

I decided to do something insane. Feeling completely over taken by toys I decided it was time to sort through them, scale down and re-organize. 4 days later I’m done. I didn’t do it to the extent that I wanted to but it’s done. Have you ever tried to sort toys with a two preschoolers and two infants? It would have been much more fun to put my hand in a waffle iron for four days. All momentary break downs aside I’m sitting in a toy free living room. Was it worth it…OH YEAH!

Aid babies Bub Cora courtney Cuba Ev General mom mooshoo mother photography pictures the kiddos twins

Check us out…


babies Cora courtney Cuba General the kiddos twins

The Ladies


Aid babies Bub Cora courtney Cuba General mom mooshoo mother the kiddos twins

Good news and Taking it slow

We got some good news yesterday…Lennox may not have Verbal Apraxia after all. He had a speech evaluation at a private speech therapy center, and they had a different diagnosis. Speech disfluency and stuttering, two things that are very fixable. No neurological disorder, no motor planning issues. I am hopeful but weary to be too much so. He starts with a new speech pathologist on Monday and I’m going to ask that she not go by our old IEP, I want her to evaluate him as well. I hope that she agrees with the private center and not his old speech therapist, and that she doesn’t come up with something completely different. If that happens I think I’ll cry. I’m just hoping with this opportunity to have him evaluated three different times that we’ll have a consistent diagnosis.

Cora courtney Cuba Ev General the kiddos twins

In their own room…

Tonight the girls will sleep in their own room. The last 5 months they’ve been in with us, but they’re just getting to big. Cuba spent last night poking Cora, so I said enough. It’s time for me to bite the bullet and get them sleeping in their own bed-in their own room. It was easy with one baby, not always fun but much easier then fighting to get them to sleep in their own bed. Sleeping with two babies has been easy so far, but I can see that’s quickly changing. It’s not working any more so we’re moving on. I’m not really excited about having to actually get out of bed to feed them and a little freaked out about not having their little faces inches from mine. Shuffling around in the middle of the night is not something I’m looking forward to. That and staying awake while I feed them so I can put them back down. I’m going into it expecting the worst. No sleep and lots of crying(my own), but by this time next week I’ll have two girls sleeping in their own beds. There is no other option.
Last night did not go well. The girls spent about an hour in their room actually sleeping. We finally gave up after mid-night, but both girls were wide awake and didn’t go back to sleep till around 2am-fun! I think we figured out why and I’m hopeful for tonight.