Bub courtney General mom mother the kiddos

Story Time

Lennox and I went to our first story time at the library today. It was so much fun!! You wouldn’t think 50 some odd 1 and 2 year olds in one room being read to would be fun – but it was. They were all so attentive and well behaved. Even Lennox, who I wasn’t sure would be. I was thinking with all the kids around his age he might blow a fuse. Nope he sat and listened and stood and sang songs (sorta) in between stories. It was great…strongly recommend taking kids to story time at the library. So that having gone so well and the fact that is was an amazingly beautiful day I decided to take Lennox to the park. Not just any park but the nice one we have to drive to 🙂 It’s in a nice neighborhood at the edge of a large green field, surrounded by magnolias and evergreens. It even smells like honeysuckles! On this particular day it was full of Lennox size people all just as excited to see him as he was to see them. I haven’t made any mommy friends since we’ve moved here so Lennox & I haven’t been able to do a lot of play dates. When ever we go to the park I’m always hopefull but nothing so far. Mostly because we don’t run into a lot of mommies with kids even close to Lennox’s age… or there’s a language barrier. I’m hopping we’ll make friends at the story times… I keep my fingers crossed.

We came home to the best phone call I’ve had in a long time. The hospital that did Lennox’s surgery reviewed our aplication for financial hardship and approved us. Which means we owe nothing…that’s right nothing! I almost started to cry as I thanked the nice lady on the phone. It was like winning the lottery – this would have been a dept that would take years to pay off. In minutes that dept was gone!!!

Bub courtney General mom mooshoo mother pregnant the kiddos

Pity Party

Lately I hate the playground. I wish there was a playground only for little ones…kids under 3. Although I’m sure if there was people would bring big kids there anyway. You can tell alot about how a child is being raised by the way they treat other children especially younger ones. We’ve encountered a lot of bad bad children lately and it makes me sad. Not only for them but for Lennox. He doesn’t understand and only wants to play and be included. It breaks my heart when older kids are mean to him. He is such a loving fun kid. I’ve even tried explaining to the older kids that he isn’t trying to mess up their games he just looks up to them and wants to be a big boy like them. Doesn’t work though 🙁 There is play group of sorts at the library we are going to start going to’s only his age group. I’m hoping that will be more fun.

I think my hormones are messing around again. I’ve been so up and down with no middle ground. One minute the world is wonderful and my life couldn’t be better. Then the next I’m so depressed I just sit and cry for no reason. Being pregnant, a mom, and a wife is hard enough… I could do with out the daily hormone rollercoasters

Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant the kiddos

Me time :)

I had ME time today! I actually went some where by myself for about an hour. It was great…granted I went to check out the public library and ended up checking out toddler activity and development books. So even during my non mommy time I did mommy things. But at least I got out alone. It’s hard for me ( I’m sure there are some moms who understand what I mean) I know that I need the me time, away from Lennox and Evan, but when I do get away all I think about is them and it’s hard to stay away. Most of the time I can’t think of anything to do by myself…everything that comes to mind would be fun to do with Evan and Lennox. It’s like they are my best friends and life is more fun with them around.

So I’ve been working on 2 issues with Lennox these days. The first is more activities for he and I to do during the day. He seems bored and I’m not sure what to do with him. He’s not so into coloring or really playing with me for any length of time – but he stills wants my attention. Like I should just sit and stare at him while he plays…which is what I do at the moment. I guess it’s just a stage he’s going through. I would love to find ways to interact with him and help him learn new things….language being big on that list! And here’s the second issue…Lennox will be 18 months in a few days and says very few words. He says mama, daaadee, agua, bye bye and then da for duck and dog and ba for ball. He said cheese, and bad dog once. Mostly he grunts and babbles. He has his 18 month check up on Monday and I know his pediatrician is going to say he needs to be saying more words and freak me out with things that could be wrong. I don’t feel like anything is wrong….he understands everything and communicates just fine. I’m not sure what else to do…I mean maybe we watch to much TV (which is changing) and maybe I should with hold things till he says what they are (which I’ve tried and he just gets upset) Maybe there isn’t anything I can do because nothing is wrong. Being a mom is hard!

courtney General mom mooshoo mother pregnant the kiddos

CSI rocks my socks

I started this journal in the hopes that it would revive my love of writing…and I would come up with lots of profound things to say. Well I think motherho0d/pregnancy has robed me of all profound thinking. I sit down – really wanting to write something witty and interesting…but all I can think about is damn I’m hungry again.

Something exciting did happen today though…something all my own! This site I frequent linked mooshoo 🙂 My first link (well other then on Evan’s site -which doesn’t count- being my husband and all) It’s a really cool site…informative yet personal. Pregnant or just have kids it’s worth a visit or 2.

Bub courtney General mom mother pregnant the kiddos


Ok, my faith in mankind has been restored – for the moment. Lennox & I went grocery shopping, which is always fun…..not! This time he fell asleep before we got to the store and normally I would have just put it off till tomorrow, but we have no food. So I got him out in hopes that he would wake up and of course he didn’t. In we went, him slung over my shoulder, me pushing the cart with one hand. Everything was going really well until this really rude jackass ran into me and shoved me into the isle knocking a bunch of junk off the shelves. There was plenty of room but he still felt the need to almost knock over a pregnant lady holding her sleeping 18 month old son. I yelled after him…EXCUSE YOU MOTHER F##KER!!! He didn’t stop or turn around just disappeared around the corner. By the time I collected myself he was no where to be found. It gets worse….there are more then a few people in the isle…no one says a thing or even helps me pick up the cans scattered everywhere. Granted hind sight says I probably shouldn’t have screamed mother f##ker at the top of my lungs…but I was caught off guard.

Almost 7 months pregnant holding a sleeping lennox I’m picking up the cans – pissed off- when this wonderful, amazing woman (who didn’t even see what happened) starting picking up the cans with me. All the time saying how I shouldn’t be doing it. Ahh there is atleast one considerate person left in the world. It gets better… while ackwardly digging through cartons of eggs on sale, trying to get down to the ones that weren’t broken, this really nice man starting moving them aside for me and even held some so I could make sure they weren’t broken…a hard thing to do with one hand. So 2 rights got rid of a wrong for me today. The world is still a good place with more good people then bad.