Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant the kiddos

Hump Day

Well Evan’s birthday is nearing it’s end and I think it’s been a good day 🙂 We got him some good presents he wasn’t expecting and went to Red Lobster for dinner. Oh Red Lobster is so good…the biscuits, the vinaigrette salad dressing, and this time they had this coconut sauce to go with the coconut shrimp-oh it was to die for! Probably just the pregnancy talking but man did I enjoy dinner tonight. We got this sampler appeitzer, bacon wrapped scalops (bacon wrapped anything is good), crab and lobster stuffed mushrooms, then to top it all off fried clam strips. Everything was just amazing…and Lennox even behaved himself for the most part. I feel like it was my birthday!

Had my monthly doctor visit today. Everything is going perfectly, got to hear Aidan’s heart beat (very strong) After this it’s evey 2 weeks for a while..I’m in the beginning of the home strech-thank goodness! I’m so tired of being pregnant!!! Cross your fingers my diabetes test comes back negative…I’m not really worried- but you never know.

Ev General


Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Evan… you look like a monkey and smell like one too 🙂 I love you very much! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband, friend, and father. Lennox and I are very lucky!

Bub courtney General mom the kiddos

Story Time Fun

So I took Lennox to another story group today… and had a very different experience. Completely torn between embarrassment and amusement, I have yet to decide if we should go back. My beautiful exuberant 18 month old couldn’t not sit still or pay attention to save his life. He couldn’t get far enough away from me or visit with more people. We sang songs – he ran around in circles. We listened to stories illustrated on a felt board- he stood along side the board pulling things off as the nice leader man put them on. The leader guy was so nice… telling us let them (kids)run around (in my direction) This is not for sitting and listening this is for interacting and teaching you (us moms)things you can do at home. I guess he could tell my embarrassment…in a room full of children all seated quietly with their moms were Lennox & I(not seated not quiet) Then I thought about it for a minute. I’m not going to be embarrassed! I’m doing a good job… it’s not that Lennox is not well behaved- it’s that he’s not shy and very secure in himself. I made him secure enough that we can enter a room full of strangers and he can take off and not look back – happy as a clam 🙂 Sometimes it would be nice if he was just a little shy… just enough to keep him close to me in public. Or even if he stopped for a few minutes (which he only does while sleeping).

Then we went to the park afterward (it’s right next to the library). A lot of the kids and moms from story time were there. Oh fun! I got more “boy he sure is active” – with that look… that disapproving
you’re a bad mom look. Well excuse me for not having a boring, lame as#, no personality, insecure, whinny baby! Ok so that’s a little harsh..really I just say PISS OFF!!!! I’m glad my son is his own person and has enough personality for 10 people. Our lives are never boring and he’s going to be someone great one day. So I think we will go back – Lennox sure does enjoy it – and who cares what other people think. Maybe we’ll get kicked out… what a story for his baby book that would be.

Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant the kiddos

BBQ & Horse Shoes

Today was good day… we had friends over for an early celebration of Evan’s birthday (which is Wednesday). We don’t get together as much as I’d like but when we do it’s always lots of fun. It’s so weird being the only ones with kids in our group (no other kids coming any time soon). We always end up talking about Lennox and having babies – which of course I love to talk about because I don’t have much else going on right now(not sure if you girls realize how much it means to me when you are interested in the whole kid thing – makes me feel not so boring). It is just so nice to have an adult conversation… no matter what we talk about! I enjoy it immensely and didn’t realize how much I miss good conversations.

Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant the kiddos

Blahdy Blahh Blah

Rain + Dogs + Lennox + No Electricity = not a fun day 🙁 We went to target to waste some time… I like wandering these days. I look at carseats, bassinets, bouncy seats… clothes – well you know. It’s always a good brain exercise comimg up with ways to keep Lennox happy so I can concentrate on poking and prodding carseats. Today, first a his size basketball and then a big boy football…then two bags of peanut butter crackers. Oh yeah I’m a good mom keeping my kid busy with food! He was a very good boy though (well for the most part) I’m just so excited for Aidan to get here that looking at that stuff gives me something exciting to do that relates to him. It’s hard with the second pregnancy because with the first everything is exciting and there is so much planning and reading and getting ready it takes the whole nine months. The second one you’ve already read everything, have almost all the gear you need, and if your having another of the same sex then you even have the clothes. So what’s left? I keep changing things in our house…furniture set up, cleaning strange things – like taking down all our blinds and washing them in the tub. I’m lucky to have such a patient husband, because of course I can’t move furniture or get the blinds down myself. We’ve gotten to the point now that there isn’t much I can change, so I’ve become more into window shopping.

I’m torn between carseats…we have to get a new infant carseat because a cat we USED to have peed in the last one. Ok so I’m not really torn but the one I want is pretty expensive…but it’s got memory foam and feels so comfy. Is memory foam worth twice the cost of one without? I can’t really rationalize it – so no. The evenflo embrace seems like a nice compromise though. It’s cushiony yet affordable. Oh the things that take up your thoughts in motherhood. Like how I need a rocking bassinet, because it will fit perfectly next to our bed and we won’t have to kick bub out of his bed too early. I truly feel like I need it…like it’s some how going to make those first few months of infancy easier – you know since it rocks and all. Letting pregnant women make decisions is really not a good idea. We are normally very level headed and responsible people. During pregnancy that all goes out the window and something else takes over. I’m not really sure what or who…