
Pixar Rocks My Socks

Lennox is soooo Jack Jack without the spontaneous combustion! The Incredibles is friggin hilarious. I love Pixar.

Bub courtney Ev General mom mother the kiddos

Watching the Incredibles

Well we went to story time again and I’ve decided it’s not for us. Lennox is too active and it’s just not exciting enough to keep his attention. It’s play ground city for us 🙂

Evan’s family was up this past weekend…and I was a little nervous before hand that it would be too crazy. I haven’t been handling stress of any kind well lately. I tend to over do everything and wear myself out. But ya know what not only was it not stressfull-it was fun! I love my in-laws (I’m blessed with good ones). We had a great time showing them around San Fran. Lennox was in heaven with his cousins here… he is so worn out that he’s gone to bed early every night this week. And lets not even mention the fact that I didn’t cook or clean a thing for 2 days! I really wish there was a way we could live closer. Lennox and his cousin Jack would be very close (I have a feeling they will be anyway), and we wouldn’t have to worry about finding kids for Lennox to play with- he’d have instant friends.

It’s hard be bi-costal…I wish I could pack my family up and move them to Bakersfield. Then everyone could be in the same place and we’d have more of a chance of living near everyone. At the moment neither of our families live where Evan could find work…it’s hard for them to understand that. Really we are in the perfect spot for what he does now…so I think our families should pack up their lives and come to us(ok wishful thinking)


Curse of the Social Distortion Shirt

Evan got this shirt for Lennox at a Social Distortion show and we are now sure that it is cursed. Every time Lennox wears it he injures himself in some way-we have the pictures to prove it…
lennox black eye
While wearing this shirt at the park, Lennox fell and got his first shiner
lennox sd shirt
This time he took a flying leap into the side walk and busted his lip open, banged his head-resulting in a goose egg on his forehead, and scraped his chin. We’re thinking maybe we should get ride of it…

courtney General


Things I didn’t know about driving

1. Using your turn signal is optional
2. Ignoring street signs of any kind is perfectly exceptable
3. If the cement says “Keep Clear” that really means block completely
4. While signaling dibs with blinker of soon to be vacant space in parking lot- you must also pull up so close to the person trying to get out of the spot – that they must do a 12 point turn in order to exit.
5. If you see someone signal to be let in your lane you should speed up and not let them in at any cost.

courtney General mother pregnant

The Heat is on…

Ok so I’m about to complain about what is actually really good weather. Today the high is going to be 79, and to my pregnant body it’s more like 90. I feel very blessed to live in an area with such great weather…the problem is what the heat brings – SWELLING! I’ve been doing so good, but this past week has been very uncomfortable. Nothing destroys your self esteem quicker then big ankles! Especially when it’s hot and you don’t want to cover up, but then again are to embarrassed to just not care about the big ankles (notice I didn’t say fat-they aren’t fat-they are just big!)