Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant the kiddos

Rules of Engagement

I had the weirdest dream last night! I went into early labor(a month early) and I could feel everything-it was very vivid. And both our families showed up immediately without us calling them and along with our families were all these random people…and I was upset because I wanted it to just be me and Evan this time. And we were in this weird house that the doctor came to and then it turned into a hospital. It was one of those dreams that you wake up and go back into…it seemed like I had it all night long. I’ve never had a dream like this before. With Lennox I used to dream that I gave birth and then the hospital would try and give me a toddler instead of my newborn or that someone took him and we had to go find him. But I guess then I didn’t know what labor was like -boy does my brain remember all the gory details.

A funny thing happened at our daily park visit yesterday…we were playing having a good time when everything went silent-no mommy chatter, no kids screaming, not even a bird chirping! I look up to a see a Father about to enter with his 2 or 3 year old who was holding a wiffle bat. That’s right a wiffle bat at the playground in the hands of a toddler! I ‘m sure there is some unspoken rule of playground etiquette that says Thou Shalt Not Let Thy Child Bring a weapon disguised as a toy. I’m not a big fan of toys at the park any how (but that’s another post) The dad looked a little bewildered at the reaction of all the moms…but little did he know the chaos that was about ensue. We now had amongst all the buckets, shovels, and sand trucks a WIFFLE BAT. Something most of these little ones are not allowed to play with yet. It became the most coveted item there. The children surrounded the boy like vulchers and the war began. The playground was no longer a place of innocent fun…it was a battle ground. Children would snatch the bat and wack the kid who was just holding it and so on – until everyone was crying. Finally the dad got wise and put the bat away and things went back to normal (after a lot of shaking from withdrawl). So folks the moral of the story is… If your kid is under 5 don’t let them brings toys to the park (short of sand toys) They don’t know how to share and will inevitably drop it or set it down long enough for some other kid to pick it up- at which point a tug of war will begin that ends with no one really being happy. Let’s keep the playground a fun stress free place 🙂

Bub courtney Ev General mom mother the kiddos

Watching the Incredibles

Well we went to story time again and I’ve decided it’s not for us. Lennox is too active and it’s just not exciting enough to keep his attention. It’s play ground city for us 🙂

Evan’s family was up this past weekend…and I was a little nervous before hand that it would be too crazy. I haven’t been handling stress of any kind well lately. I tend to over do everything and wear myself out. But ya know what not only was it not stressfull-it was fun! I love my in-laws (I’m blessed with good ones). We had a great time showing them around San Fran. Lennox was in heaven with his cousins here… he is so worn out that he’s gone to bed early every night this week. And lets not even mention the fact that I didn’t cook or clean a thing for 2 days! I really wish there was a way we could live closer. Lennox and his cousin Jack would be very close (I have a feeling they will be anyway), and we wouldn’t have to worry about finding kids for Lennox to play with- he’d have instant friends.

It’s hard be bi-costal…I wish I could pack my family up and move them to Bakersfield. Then everyone could be in the same place and we’d have more of a chance of living near everyone. At the moment neither of our families live where Evan could find work…it’s hard for them to understand that. Really we are in the perfect spot for what he does now…so I think our families should pack up their lives and come to us(ok wishful thinking)

Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant the kiddos

Hump Day

Well Evan’s birthday is nearing it’s end and I think it’s been a good day 🙂 We got him some good presents he wasn’t expecting and went to Red Lobster for dinner. Oh Red Lobster is so good…the biscuits, the vinaigrette salad dressing, and this time they had this coconut sauce to go with the coconut shrimp-oh it was to die for! Probably just the pregnancy talking but man did I enjoy dinner tonight. We got this sampler appeitzer, bacon wrapped scalops (bacon wrapped anything is good), crab and lobster stuffed mushrooms, then to top it all off fried clam strips. Everything was just amazing…and Lennox even behaved himself for the most part. I feel like it was my birthday!

Had my monthly doctor visit today. Everything is going perfectly, got to hear Aidan’s heart beat (very strong) After this it’s evey 2 weeks for a while..I’m in the beginning of the home strech-thank goodness! I’m so tired of being pregnant!!! Cross your fingers my diabetes test comes back negative…I’m not really worried- but you never know.

Bub courtney General mom the kiddos

Story Time Fun

So I took Lennox to another story group today… and had a very different experience. Completely torn between embarrassment and amusement, I have yet to decide if we should go back. My beautiful exuberant 18 month old couldn’t not sit still or pay attention to save his life. He couldn’t get far enough away from me or visit with more people. We sang songs – he ran around in circles. We listened to stories illustrated on a felt board- he stood along side the board pulling things off as the nice leader man put them on. The leader guy was so nice… telling us let them (kids)run around (in my direction) This is not for sitting and listening this is for interacting and teaching you (us moms)things you can do at home. I guess he could tell my embarrassment…in a room full of children all seated quietly with their moms were Lennox & I(not seated not quiet) Then I thought about it for a minute. I’m not going to be embarrassed! I’m doing a good job… it’s not that Lennox is not well behaved- it’s that he’s not shy and very secure in himself. I made him secure enough that we can enter a room full of strangers and he can take off and not look back – happy as a clam 🙂 Sometimes it would be nice if he was just a little shy… just enough to keep him close to me in public. Or even if he stopped for a few minutes (which he only does while sleeping).

Then we went to the park afterward (it’s right next to the library). A lot of the kids and moms from story time were there. Oh fun! I got more “boy he sure is active” – with that look… that disapproving
you’re a bad mom look. Well excuse me for not having a boring, lame as#, no personality, insecure, whinny baby! Ok so that’s a little harsh..really I just say PISS OFF!!!! I’m glad my son is his own person and has enough personality for 10 people. Our lives are never boring and he’s going to be someone great one day. So I think we will go back – Lennox sure does enjoy it – and who cares what other people think. Maybe we’ll get kicked out… what a story for his baby book that would be.

Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant the kiddos

BBQ & Horse Shoes

Today was good day… we had friends over for an early celebration of Evan’s birthday (which is Wednesday). We don’t get together as much as I’d like but when we do it’s always lots of fun. It’s so weird being the only ones with kids in our group (no other kids coming any time soon). We always end up talking about Lennox and having babies – which of course I love to talk about because I don’t have much else going on right now(not sure if you girls realize how much it means to me when you are interested in the whole kid thing – makes me feel not so boring). It is just so nice to have an adult conversation… no matter what we talk about! I enjoy it immensely and didn’t realize how much I miss good conversations.