Aid Bub courtney Ev friends General mom mooshoo mother the kiddos


As I sit nursing Aid the sun slowly sets. Like most days everything is ready for Ev to come home-dinner started, house picked up. Bub is happily watching a big big world in my bed-the house is oddly quiet and serene. Quiet is a hot commodity around here, and when I come across some well it just feels weird. But it’s in these quiet moments I’m able to step outside the right now and look into tomorrow. All the sleepless nights and battles of will become small in the time that stretches before me. It puts things in perspective.

Aid Bub courtney Ev friends General mom mooshoo mother pictures

Fun fun fun


Aid Bub courtney Ev friends General mom mooshoo mother recipes the kiddos

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Ya know most people think a traditional St. Paddy’s Day dinner is corned beef and cabbage, but from what I’ve read that is just a tradition in America. Over in Ireland they are more likely to have Irish stew with Irish soda bread. So in honor of them I’m making chicken (not a fan of lamb) stew and white bread…I would make soda bread but I don’t have any buttermilk. Plus Bub loves to help knead dough so it’s a fun activity for us. Like most holidays at this stage in life St. Paddy’s day could really just be any other Friday. It seems like as a parent of young children the holidays take on a different feel. First the idea of going out to drink green beer till it flows out my ears is not as appealing as it was 5 or 6 years ago. And with a toddler and infant who don’t have a clue that today is a holiday that cancels out any real St. Paddy’s day crafts or worrying about wearing green. I mean sure we could go through the motions but how much fun is it when they don’t know what’s going on. It’s like the first 2 or 3 years holidays are for us to practice and figure out what kind of family traditions when want to take from our youth and what we want to make up on our own.

Aid Bub courtney Ev General mom mooshoo mother the kiddos

Shakin Things Up

Well it’s been busy in the land of Mooshoo…Ev’s birthday went marvelously! We baked him chocolate chocolate chip cupcakes with java chip icing and brought them up to his work, then took him for panini sandwiches. He got back to work just in time for the cake they got for him. The boys and I got to hang out and sing happy birthday and Bub finally got hold of cupcakes-which he had been asking “CAKE” for since we made them. We should have just put some frosting in a bowl and given him a spoon, because all he did was lick into a mushy mess then hand it to one of Ev’s co-workers. He then proceeded to run around in circles and dig at the carpet like a maniac. Everyone commented on how fast the sugar kicked in…but ha-ha that is how he always acts! When Ev got home we rented a butt load of movies and got Chinese take out. It was a fun birthday for all of us.

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Here’s my latest MamaSaysOm creation