Bub courtney Ev General mom mother pregnant

Weekend Fun

I hope everyone had a great weekend and mother’s day! I had a great weekend. We did a bunch of window shopping and only ended up with a few odds and ends for the house…very good for us-we like to shop! Finally put up draps in Bub’s room, day light savings time was killing us. Mother’s day Bub (and Ev) made me cheerios with fresh fruit, it was the best bowl of cereal I’ve ever had!!! Then we had lunch at this diner called Taxi’s, that was also excellent. It was a wonderful weekend, I got lots of family time…couldn’t have ask for anything better for mother’s day 🙂

My monitor died on friday, so I won’t be updating quite as often till we get a new one. I like doing my writing at night after Bub’s in bed, but with one monitor and a computer guy for a husband time is tight.

Bub started humming and singing! We stood just outside the bathroom door listening to him tonight while he took a bath. It’s so cute…I think he got the humming from Ev-who always hums while rocking Bub to sleep. It’s just amazing how fast they grow and change. It’s hard to keep up. I wonder how he will be with Aidan…I got the baby swing out of the garage, cleaned it and set it up in the living room. Now when Bub could fit in it he would have rather died then been put in it…but now it’s like the best new toy in the world. He loves to sit in it-barely fitting. And now he likes to tip it over and drag it around the room, he-man! Hopefully he won’t mind Aidan using it. Bub’s great grandma is giving him a big boy bed, so he’s going to have to let go of his crib too! Maybe not right away, I think we’ll wait till he’s used to Aidan being here before making that change.

I go to the doctor again tomorrow…37 weeks! This every week stuff will sure make the weeks fly by. We are very ready! I’m tired of being uncomfortable. Everything hurts and no position is good, I wake up feeling run over. No fun!!! I’m ready for the chaos to begin, atleast I’ll be able to chase Bub around, wrestle and play with him. Those things are really hard now, getting up and getting down. I’m so curious how it will go this time…will it be around my due date? Will I be late again (please no)? Will I go by myself? I walk every day in hopes that it will get things moving,fantasizing that while I’m out on these walks my water will break and we’ll be off to the hospital for a quick no drugs needed delivery-I did say fantasize right?!

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