Aid Bub General

Well I think I figured it out…

If we don’t put Moe to bed before Bub he goes to bed just fine. So Bub seeing Moe go to sleep in our room messed him all up. Tonight we kept Moe out with us and Bub went to bed no problem 🙂 Thank goodness, don’t know if I could do another cry it out night. So this is crazy Moe is already in 3-6 month stuff. He’s not a fatty but a string bean. He fits the 3-6 month pjs almost perfect. It’s so different from Bub…luckily for us it stays cool here for a pretty long time so hopefully the 3 month difference as far as clothes size and seasons go won’t matter. Here’s another weird thing…he goes to bed in his own bed. Bub didn’t do that till he was a year old. Both my boys are fast asleep right this very minute. I don’t know what to do with myself. Ok so really I do…laundry , dishes, web surf…

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