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The road you take doesn\’t always lead you home

So I had a great birthday…started the day with Ev getting Bub up and them bringing me breakfast in bed(on a special tray)! I think even if I wanted to- I can no longer sleep in…but it was nice to lay there in bed eyes closed listening to normal morning chaos going on with out me. Bub & I spent the rest of the day doing nothing at all productive. We had left over birthday cake for lunch and I made turkey goulash for dinner(my current favorite) and then we got frappuccinos for dessert, starbucks is the devil. I am 29. My last year of being in my twenties. 9 years ago yesterday I started my twenties-time sure does fly. So yeah I’m 29, but I think I will always feel 18. Like I still think it’s cool that I have my own car and live with my husband…I go grocery shopping for my own house. Crazier still is having a son and being pregnant with another one. So times I stop and think “this is my life, I’m an adult” Yet I don’t feel like one-do you ever? I have an amazing life and would have never imagined back at 19 that 10 years later I would be married with almost 2 kids living in California. Life never takes you where you think it will.