Ev General

9 Years…

Ok lets start with 10 years…almost 10 years ago I gave into the strong voice that called me west. There was something waiting for me in California. I didn’t know what but I knew that it was where I needed to be. My life was waiting. I drove three thousand miles to share an apartment with a guy I never met in person. I waited tables, bartended and sold clothes to survive. As the growl in my tummy got louder the voice that called me here got softer. It became a whisper that I fought to hear.

Then I got a good job, no more selling clothes to quiet the growling tummy. It took me 4 hours every day to get to this good job from the apartment I shared with a guy I had never met in person. Four hours every day got old and expensive fast. So with shaky legs I cut that commute to 15 minutes with a giant leap into the city. A big city, and an apartment with two guys I didn’t know. (don’t know what it is with guy roommates). Everything quickly fell into place, good job, full tummy, comfy place to lay my head close to good job.

Then my life became perfect. I met Daniel, and he introduced me to Evan. Ahhh Evan, charming, handsome, striking blue eyes. There’s some lyrics from a song called 10,000 Things by Jason Mraz that…

“Well I’ve seen a thousand things in one place
But I stopped my counting when I saw your face
Erasing memory I feel as though I’ve never seen a face before
Until I saw your eyes smiling back at me through my tears
I’ve been counting all these years
Now suddenly the thousand things I’ve seen were
Nothing more than dreams of you and me”

Yeah the moment was pretty much like that. He took me to a beautiful spot and asked me to be his wife not long after this first meeting. I bet you can guess that I said yes, so here we are. 9 years, many adventures, big moves, little moves, some pets, and craziest of all – 4 kids later we are celebrating the anniversary of “when ya know ya know”. He is the love of my life, he was before I met him. God made him for me and everything I did, every decision bad and good lead me here.

That strong voice I heard almost 10 years ago wasn’t calling me west, it was calling me to Ev. I think if we hadn’t met when we did, it would have happened eventually. We would have found each other. I’ve said it many times before…I am truly blessed to have the life I do and to share it with the man I do. I will spend the rest of this life and next making sure he always knows just how much I love him, how much he is appreciated.

Happy Anniversary Evan
Here’s to a wonderful 9 years and many many more!

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