
33 Weeks

Well we’re officially in the last leg of this adventure. I have 4 OB visits left and start weekly non-stress tests tomorrow. I had another ultrasound Monday and the girls are doing great, progressing exactly where they should be and almost exactly the same size. Baby A (or Cora) is breech and Baby B (Cuba) is transverse. They were both facing my back so we couldn’t see their faces this time. From now until next Thursday if I go into labor they will try and stop it but after that it’s a go ahead. I will be surprised if the girls come before the scheduled c-section, so I’m feeling pretty confident about having a couple of good size girls. Everything is finally catching up with me and I feel tired and pretty uncomfortable most of the time. Being 33 weeks but having the uterus of someone who is 43 weeks isn’t too fun. The skin down the middle of my belly is numb and then itchy every where else-more stretching. You name it and it hurts. The next couple weeks are going to be crazy.

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