
West Memphis 3

Two nights ago I watched this and have not been able to get it out of my head. Like most of the world I don’t remember the case nor have I heard anything about it until just recently(and only because of friend of Evan’s did we discover it). As soon as I could sit down at the computer yesterday I searched the web for any info I could find. I wanted to get the unbiased details of the case, but as my seach progressed I found there to be lots of details most of which were not unbiased and could not be consider fact. I think the only true statement about this case is that 3 boys were brutally murdered. Rather then go into detail here you can read about here and here and here. I also came across some thing calling itself an autopsy report, but as I read it I can only think that it must be fake. But then again when you put it with everything else that happended with the professionals surronding this case it doesn’t seem so odd. Yes it was 10 years ago…but have the standards for policemen and medical examiners changed so much. It would seem that the training and school required for these positions would be the same every where in the US, right?! How did these people screw this up so badly? I am just in awe. Did this really happen, is it another blair witch project? I mean it seems more like something that happened in a movie then in real life. It gets worse as more time passes because more evidence is found leading away from the 3 boys ( now men) wrongfully in prisoned watching their lives pass by. 3 boys dead and 3 boys lives ruined because the adults that are supposed to protect them dropped the ball. Maybe if more people are aware of and speak up about the many mistakes made there will be no choice but to reopen the case and do it right this time, not only for the West Memphis 3 but for the familes of those 3 little boys.

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