

Theme: Uberlist

No particular order, just wrote as em as they came…


Find balance in taking care of the house and my family
Stop watching so much TV
Play more with my boys
Get out of debt
Find a way to contribute financially while still staying home with the boys
Write more
Re-learn to sew
Sew clothes using patterns I design
Lose 20 lbs
Fit into vintage cords from college
Buy citizen jeans (when 20 lbs is lost)
Get dragon tattoo to be designed by Evan
Feel better in my skin
Never have nothing to wear
Keep up with sending pictures to family and friends
Send Jennifer money so she can visit
Meet Ruby before she’s old enough to remember not knowing me
Sleep more
Worry less
Find a new place to live that is exactly what we want-nothing less
Work on the things I can fix
Let go of the ones I can’t
Get dressed up once a week
Only wear pjs all day –one day a week
Make new friends-mommy friends
Get my boobs fixed (they could use a lift and some evening out)
Not feel so self conscious and wear shorts this summer
Buy a large canvas
Work with pastels again

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