Aid Bub Ev General mom

Having Fun

Grandma Diane’s visit is going great…we are really wearing her out! Bub loves having her around and plays with her none stop, and boy does he get jealous when she holds Aidan. A few more pictures…
lennox grandma
aidan grandma
aidan evan

Aid Bub courtney Ev General

2 Week Doctor Visit…

Aidan had his first regular doctor visit today…he weighs 8lbs 10ozs and is still 21 inches long 🙂 Not bad when you consider when we left the hospital he weighed 7lbs 5ozs! So over a pound in 2 weeks…I think we’re gona call him tank. We went to Bakersfield for father’s day weekend and had a great time-Aidan got to meet the rest of Ev’s family. He was a very popular guy there. Now my mom is here, so we are just enjoying life! Bub is doing better, so I guess being a big brother is growing on him. I’m sure all the Grandma Diane attention helps.
madison aidan

Aid Bub Ev General mother the kiddos

Aidan 1 week old today!

Aidan, congratulations on making it through your first week…you are going to be a trooper-between the dogs and your older brother-you are going to be a tuff kid!

Bub, congratulations on making it through your first week as a big brother…and just so you know you have already used up your allotted whinnying for the next year. I’m very proud of you and how gentle you are with your brother!

More pictures…

Wow, what a week it’s been. Everything is going really well-much better then I thought. We are so lucky between Ev’s parents and church we aren’t going to have to buy food for atleast 2 weeks. That has added in our easy transition…not worrying about dinner takes a huge load off. Aidan is a really mellow kid, he’s spending a bit more time awake now-but mostly sleeps. He sleeps most of the day in his bouncy seat by our front window. Night time isn’t to bad either…he sleeps- it’s just in my arms. It’s so strange all day he sleeps just fine on his own but at 11pm every night something changes. That also happens to be the time that while in the hospital I had to bring him back to the nursery for the night…I wonder did they have to carry him around the whole time and were just being nice and letting me sleep? I figure he’s still adjusting so for now it’s ok. I sleep sitting up with him on the boppy. We are trying to avoid the co-sleeping thing. It worked well with Bub, but we have decided not to go that route this time. The most important thing is I’m getting sleep!

Now Bub is a different story. When I came home from the hospital I came home to a different kid. It’s crazy, he has these very strong opinions about everything-remember he’s only 21 months. He now has to pick out his own clothes and will only wear what he picks out. Generally he wants to control everything. I thought they were a little older before this started to happen. I mean he even tries to tell me how to wear my hair-freaks out if I put it in a pony tail. He’s been very whinny, squealie, and a little jealous. For the most part he’s very gentle and seems to love his brother…then he has momments of Aidan can not have anything and needs to go away. All normal I’m sure. But no less annoying. I was worried about him getting enough attention-but I think he’s getting more now then he did before-probably because he’s been so demanding. I just keep reminding myself that his life has changed just as much if not more then ours and I need to be patient. That also puts things in perspective and reminds me things could be much worse.

Life is crazy…I’m a mother of TWO. I don’t know that I ever got used to being a mother of one…