
Thank you!

I just want to say a great big huge gigantic thank you to everyone who gave me such wonderful feed back on my hair cut! It’s been a pretty good move so far. Easy to style or not style and funky no matter what. But best of all it’s left me confident, and well feelin purdy.

We’ve been going to a specific park on a regular basis for a few weeks now-crazy for us because we are big park whores-and we managed to make some friends. Not mommy friends so much but a cool group of kids for the boys to play with. One of the of little boys goes by Schemo. The day we met Schemo, Bub came home very excited to tell Ev that he had played with Elmo (Schemo) and Elmo was his friend. The next day at the park Schemo’s mom was calling for him and Bub decided to give her a hand…”Elmo, come her Elmo”. His mom looked at me and burst out laughing and said she had never heard that one before. I think that was the funnest part because if they spent any time around 2-4 year olds Elmo would be a pretty close interpetation to Schemo. Bub loves his new friend but no matter how many times I over enunciate SccchhheMo he is insistent on calling him Elmo. Schemo doesn’t seem to care either way so I guess that’s all that really matters.

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