General pregnant

The end is near…

So I had my last prenatal visit today…I’m now dilated 3 cenimeters and fully effaced. The doc says my cervix is ready to go and the contractions just need to get going. We set up the date for induction-Tuesday, June 7th. I’m so hoping to go before then but atleast it’s not to far off. The end is very near 🙂 I’ve been in so much pain though. I can’t sleep at night too much pain and pressure in the whoha area. Not even sitting up works. Walking hurts…well everything hurts. Bub is doing really well, he’s been a pretty good boy for the most part. I think he knows I need some down time…I just wish I could nap during the day. I wonder if he senses things are about to change. He’s been pretty clingy lately. Usually when anyone else is around-esp Ev-he wants nothing to do with me. You know boring old mom-who’s always around.

I wish I could let things go around the house and not stress out over them…I keep worrying that I will go into labor and leave a messy house behind. Stupid-huh?!?! So even when I don’t feel like cleaning I do. Can’t have dishes and laundry laying around. It’s more then just dishes and laundry too…I have 21 month old tornado who’s main goal in life is to destroy everything I clean. I can be in one part of the house and he’ll be in another destroying it. Then we switch. Constantly fighting a losing battle. But atleast it fills a day. Well off to do the dishes…

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